Accessibility Statement


We at Ifreecamp (hereinafter: “the Site”) are committed to providing equal access to all individuals to the information on our website in accordance with the Israeli Web Accessibility Regulations (Accessible Websites), 2017.

We have chosen to provide optimal access to the site and enable navigation in a manner that is perceivable and convenient for all users, including individuals with disabilities. As part of our efforts to enhance the user experience, the website has undergone a process of updates and improvements to adapt the content and experience to be suitable for users relying on assistive technologies such as built-in reading software and other tools that aid in navigation and site usage.

Regrettably, there might still be sections of the site that are not entirely compatible with all users according to existing regulations. We are committed to continually improving the accessibility approach on the site in accordance with more advanced guidelines and regulations in the future.

We strive to provide access to the website to the entire audience and therefore welcome feedback and suggestions from all users. If you encounter any issues or have recommendations for improving the site’s accessibility, please get in touch, and we will be happy to assist and progress in enhancing the experience.

For further inquiries or recurring requests, please contact us via email at: [email protected]

Thank you very much for understanding and supporting our efforts to create a more accessible and equitable environment for everyone.

Best regards, The Ifreecamp Team